domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

The Ugly duckling

And then it was spring once more. And early one morning, the ugly duckling came across three swans on a lake. "I don´t want to suffer any more", he thought. I´d rather be killed by these noble creatures. And he swam towards them and bowed his head. But what did he see in the water?. Not a plump, ugly, grey bird, but a graceful white bird!. The three sawns swam round him. Welcome! they cried, and they stroked his neck with their beaks.

3 comentarios:

King.COM dijo...

Yes... at last!!!!!

Keep striking and twisting your neck againnt mine.

You know this is the first day of the rest of your life.

Fly and LIVE!!!!! know you are so great, and YES you CAN!

Anónimo dijo...

bussiness as usual!!

Soulman dijo...

Mejor golpear primero cuando huelas la envidia...y sobre todo, echarla fuera de un@ mism@ siempre sin que se note, no sea que l@s envidis@s sospechen que tú caminas màs ligera por la tremenda carga que arrojaste por la borda..paso de decirlo en inglés, amo el castellano.